Friday, August 17, 2007

The summer has basically come to an end as school has begun, and my six weeks on the road are finally complete. I just wish the heat would dissipate like the rest of the memories that were made but not grasped in full. We are too busy to experience life. We simply experiment with it, and hope that at least some of the chemicals react as we are told that they will. Modernity was a nice thing while it lasted. There was hope for a better tomorrow, but it continues to falter with every passing car bomb and the death of more innocent people the world around. "Who are we?" is the question that Michael Moore asks after he attempts to dismantle the illusion of "health care" in america by comparing it to socialized medicine in other countries. Should the question not be better phrased as "Who do we think we are?" We are surely not the bastions of hope and salvation that we act as if we are. Much of the time, we believe in nothing more than ourselves, our abilities and our strength. We have forgotten God while we dance to the rhythm of the desolation of our planet. As long as we get what we want, nothing else seems to matter. Build bigger SUVs, and forget to recycle. What difference does it make? It seems to be a far cry from people who came to this continent for a new and better way. They believed in living, at all costs. We simply believe in paying the price, and with every dollar we do just that. The banks will close and the stock market will eventually fall. We will only have each other, and that is just not enough for too many of us.